WordPress is the most popular online publishing platform for websites. However, it is still prone to security attacks. If proper security measures are not taken, your website may become prey to hackers and all sorts of malicious attacks.

Before you begin to secure your WordPress website, figure out the most sensitive data. This is the data you will need to copy-paste into a separate folder and link it in a way that it’s hidden from other moderators.

Let’s start with the basic steps for a more secure WordPress website.

1. A strong login combination

Having a strong password may sound basic. But many people still don’t take it seriously. Using a combination of different characters is a common tip for a secure password.

The password you set must not be similar to the passwords you use for other websites. If possible, create an entirely new e-mail address too. Keep this e-mail only for the purpose of administrating your WordPress website.

Also, don’t use “admin” as your login. If you do, your hackers are already halfway there.

2. Enable multi-factor authentication

Having a strong password is not enough. If you are the administrator of the website, it is even more essential to have multi-factor authentication enabled. There are many ways to enable multi-factor authentication, you can use the Google Authenticator app, or even enable pin codes through email calls or texts.

3. Add security plugins for your WordPress website

Security plugins will also allow you to create backups. You don’t have to do these manually. The plugins will perform automatic backing as per schedule. You can also add plugins for adding extra security checkpoints on your website. These may include visual or textual captcha.

4. Remove plugins that are not in use and conduct regular website scans

A security plugin will help make your WordPress website more secure. Never install or enable plugins from unreliable sources. Use scanning in case you ever sense a breach. There are plugins that scan for unusual activity. This may include strange IP addresses or people who have failed the captcha verification many times.

5. Use an SSL Certificate (https)

HTTPS stands for hypertext transfer protocol secure. By installing an SSL certification, your browser will be able to connect with the website with full security enforced.

This is because SSL certification allows data to be sent and received in encrypted form. SSL makes it hard for hackers to get through to your website.

It prevents sensitive information like passwords from being exposed in plain text while there are being transferred to and from the website.

6. Move your WordPress configuration file

Hide your WordPress config file by moving it to another new folder and give it a new filename. This is because the root folder is usually targeted in case there’s any security breach at all. The new folder location has to be on your host and will be different for each user. In the root file, code the new location using the ‘include’ command. Include the directory and file name to link the config file with the root folder.

7. Change authorisation settings

Sensitive information is stored in PHP files in the root folder of your WordPress website. By default, these files are read and write only for the administrator. For other moderators, the files can be read. For full security, it is recommended that you change the settings to read-only for other moderators. You can use your FTP and change the settings to either 400 or 440. These settings will disable other moderators from reading these sensitive files.
If you follow the above 7 steps, in order, you will find your WordPress website more secure.