WordPress websites
Versatile & robust web design.

What is WordPress?
It is a widely used way to edit and update your website without the need of coding knowledge and a great way to share your thoughts and musings via a blog. In fact, over 455 million websites use WordPress.
That means that WordPress websites take up 35% of the internet!
Why does fun/serious recommend WordPress for websites?
Well, first off, it has so many plugins that allows your site to be used in a number of different ways;
- Some increase your site’s speed by optimising images, adding cached pages and offering advice on what to include (or exclude) from you site.
- Some make it easier to incorporate online stores, payment gateways and other 3rd party extensions, for example: memberships, training modules, email subscriptions and more.
- Others, allow you to input content directly from social media.
- …And some even help you with SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), you still need to know what to do, but it helps you.
So you could say there’s a plugin for almost everything!
WordPress has one of the greatest support networks in the galaxy with online help available through forums, social networks and slack channels.
Hundreds of thousands of people contribute their success to WordPress and state that using any other platform would be detrimental to their business sites and online presence. This is because of WordPress’ successful platform, capabilities and ability to enhance businesses online and their profiles.
WordPress is just really great.
If you love it so much why don’t you marry it?
“Shut up Leonard, I know that you steal office supplies from the nursing home”
fun/serious knows WordPress
Since 1999
From 2009
From 2009, Ben decided to specialise in WordPress website design and development, and has since built over 200 websites
(that’s an average of 18.2 amazing websites a year!).
Dad joke
fun/serious, perfect
If you want ongoing updates? fun/serious does that for you. If you need your blog updated? fun/serious does that too. Social media? Yup. Security? Yup. Google My Business? Yup. Email setup? Graphic design? Google & Facebook Ads? Email marketing? Yup, Yup, Yup & Yup.
If this is the way you’d like to build your website, get in touch with Ben today! He makes the whole process simplistic, seamless and easy for all.